Using the Server

This section deals on how to make requests to the built-in server that a user can run when Hutts Verification has been installed.

All requests to the server should be made by making use of the POST method as well as setting the MIME-type of the data to application/json (of course, this also implies that the data of the request should be in JSON) in order to correctly send requests to and receive responses from the server.


Extract All This request extracts both the textual and the facial data from the ID document.

URL: http://localhost:5000/extractAll.

Sample Data:

    "idPhoto": "......"


    "extracted_face": "...",
    "text_extract_result": {
        "country_of_birth": <string>,
        "date_of_birth": <string>,
        "identity_number": <string>,
        "names": <string>,
        "sex": <string>,
        "status": <string>,
        "surname": <string>

Extract Text This request only extracts the textual data from the ID document.

URL: http://localhost:5000/extractText.

Sample Data:

    "idPhoto": "..."


    "country_of_birth": <string>,
    "date_of_birth": <string>,
    "identity_number": <string>,
    "names": <string>,
    "sex": <string>,
    "status": <string>,
    "surname": <string>

Extract Face This request only extracts the image of the person’s face from the ID document.

URL: http://localhost:5000/extractFace.

Sample Data:

    "idPhoto": "..."


    "extracted_face": "..."


Verify ID This request verifies an image (containing a face) and provided textual information against the information that can be extracted from an image of the relevant identification documentation (which should also be provided).4

URL: http://localhost:5000/verifyID.

Sample Data:

    cob: <country of birth string>,
    dob: <date of birth string>,
    face_img: "...",
    gender: <gender string>,
    idNumber: <ID number string>,
    id_img: "data: image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4QTDRXhpZgAA...",
    names: <name string>,
    nationality: <nationality string>,
    status: <citizenship status string>,
    surname: <surname string>,
    verbose_verify: false,
    verification_threshold: 75


    "face_match": 84.15386465700645,
    "is_match": true,
    "is_pass": false,
    "text_match": 14.29,
    "total_match": 56.20831879420387