Source code for hutts_verification.image_preprocessing.blur_manager

Wraps all the functionality required for applying blurring techniques to an image.

import cv2

__authors__ = "Stephan Nell, Nicolai van Niekerk"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, Java the Hutts"
__license__ = "BSD"
__maintainer__ = "Stephan Nell"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"

[docs]class BlurManager: """ The blur is responsible for applying different blur techniques to the images passed. """ def __init__(self, blur_type, kernel_size): """ Initialise Blur Manager. :param blur_type (str): Indicates the type of blur operation that should be applied to the image. :param kernel_size (int tuple): Indicates the kernel size for blurring operations. Raises: - TypeError: If a none string value is passed for blur_type. """ if not isinstance(blur_type, str): raise TypeError( 'Bad type for arg blur_type - expected string. Received type "%s".' % type(blur_type).__name__ ) self.blur_type = blur_type self.kernel_size = kernel_size
[docs] def apply(self, image): """ This performs the blurring. :param image: The image to be blurred. Raises: - NameError: If invalid blur type is provided i.e. Normal, Gaussian or Median. Returns: - (obj): The blurred OpenCV image. """ if self.blur_type == "gaussian": return self.gaussianBlur(image, self.kernel_size) elif self.blur_type == "normal": return self.blur(image, self.kernel_size) elif self.blur_type == "median": return self.medianBlur(image, self.kernel_size) else: raise NameError('Invalid Blur Selection! Try "normal", "gaussian" or "median" thresholding types.')
[docs] def blur(self, image, blur_kernel=[(3, 3)]): """ This function applies basic blurring to the image passed. :param image (obj): OpenCV image to which basic blurring should be applied to. :param blur_kernel (int list): Represent the kernel dimension by which basic blurring should be applied to. Raises: - ValueError: If a blur_kernel with an invalid length is provided. - TypeError: If a blur_kernel is not of type list. Returns: - (obj): A modified copy of the OpenCV image where basic blurring was applied to the image. """ if not (isinstance(blur_kernel, list)): raise TypeError('Invalid kernel type provided for normal blurring. Blur kernel supports list type') if not len(blur_kernel[0]) == 2: raise ValueError('Invalid kernel size - blur_kernel list can only contain 2 items.') for (kX, kY) in blur_kernel: blurred = cv2.blur(image, (kX, kY)) return blurred
[docs] def gaussianBlur(self, image, blur_kernel=[(7, 7)]): """ This function applies Gaussian blurring to the image passed. :param image (obj): OpenCV image to which Gaussian blurring should be applied to. :param blur_kernel (Integer list): Represent the kernel dimension by which basic blurring should be applied to. Raises: - ValueError: If a blur_kernel with an invalid length is provided. - TypeError: If a blur_kernel is not of type list. Returns: - (obj): A modified copy of the OpenCV image where Gaussian blurring was applied to the image. """ if not (isinstance(blur_kernel, list)): raise TypeError('Invalid kernel type provided for gaussian blur. Blur kernel supports list type.') if not len(blur_kernel[0]) == 2: raise ValueError('Invalid kernel size - blur_kernel list can only contain 2 items.') for (kX, kY) in blur_kernel: blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(image, (kX, kY), 0) return blurred
[docs] def medianBlur(self, image, blur_kernel=[3]): """ This function applies Median blurring to the image passed. :param image (obj): OpenCV image to which Median blurring should be applied to. :param blur_kernel (int list): Represent the kernel dimension by which median blurring should be applied to. Raises: - TypeError: If a blur_kernel is not of type list. - ValueError: If a blur_kernel with an invalid length is provided. Returns: (obj): A modified copy of the image where Median blurring was applied to the image. """ if not (isinstance(blur_kernel[0], int)): raise TypeError('Invalid kernel type provided for median blur. Blur kernel supports list type') if not len(blur_kernel) == 1: raise ValueError('Invalid kernel size only one integer value should be provided') for k in blur_kernel: blurred = cv2.medianBlur(image, k) return blurred