Source code for hutts_verification.image_preprocessing.build_director

This class is responsible for controlling the PipelineBuilder.

import os
from hutts_verification.image_preprocessing.blur_manager import BlurManager
from hutts_verification.image_preprocessing.color_manager import ColorManager
from hutts_verification.image_preprocessing.face_manager import FaceDetector
from hutts_verification.image_preprocessing.pipeline_builder import PipelineBuilder
from hutts_verification.image_preprocessing.thresholding_manager import ThresholdingManager
from hutts_verification.utils.hutts_logger import logger
from hutts_verification.utils.pypath import correct_path

__authors__ = "Nicolai van Niekerk, Marno Hermann, Stephan Nell"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, Java the Hutts"
__license__ = "BSD"
__maintainer__ = "Nicolai van Niekerk"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"

# Constants path to trained data for Shape Predictor.
SHAPE_PREDICTOR_PATH = correct_path("{base_path}/trained_data/shape_predictor_face_landmarks.dat".format(

[docs]class BuildDirector: """ The BuildDirector constructs the Pipeline using the PipelineBuilder. """
[docs] @staticmethod def construct_text_extract_pipeline(preferences, identification_type): """ This function constructs the pipeline for text extraction. This includes building different managers with their specific parameters. These managers will be called within the pipeline when executed. :param preferences (dict): User-specified techniques to use in pipeline. :param identification_type (str): Contains the type of identification, this is used to determine which techniques are used. Returns: - (obj): Pipeline used for text extraction. """ builder = PipelineBuilder() # Use template matching to identify type here if 'blur_method' in preferences: blur_method = preferences['blur_method'] elif identification_type == 'idcard': blur_method = 'gaussian' elif identification_type == 'idbook': blur_method = 'gaussian' elif identification_type == 'studentcard': blur_method = 'median' else: # Default blur_method = 'median' if blur_method == 'median': blur_kernel_size = [3] else: if identification_type == 'idbook': blur_kernel_size = [(3, 3)] elif identification_type == 'idcard': blur_kernel_size = [(3, 3)] else: blur_kernel_size = [(3, 3)] if 'threshold_method' in preferences: threshold_method = preferences['threshold_method'] elif identification_type == 'idcard': threshold_method = 'adaptive' elif identification_type == 'idbook': threshold_method = 'adaptive' elif identification_type == 'studentcard': threshold_method = 'adaptive' else: # Default threshold_method = 'adaptive' if 'color' in preferences: color_extraction_type = 'extract' color = preferences['color'] elif identification_type == 'idcard': color_extraction_type = 'extract' color = 'red_blue' elif identification_type == 'idbook': color_extraction_type = 'extract' color = 'red_blue' elif identification_type == 'studentcard': color_extraction_type = 'extract' color = 'red' else: # Default color_extraction_type = 'extract' color = 'red' logger.debug("Blur Method: " + blur_method) logger.debug("Kernel Size: " + str(blur_kernel_size)) logger.debug("ColorXType: " + color_extraction_type) logger.debug("Color: " + color) logger.debug("Threshold Method: " + threshold_method) blur_manager = BlurManager(blur_method, blur_kernel_size) color_manager = ColorManager(color_extraction_type, color) threshold_manager = ThresholdingManager(threshold_method) face_detector = FaceDetector(SHAPE_PREDICTOR_PATH) builder.set_blur_manager(blur_manager) builder.set_color_manager(color_manager) builder.set_face_detector(face_detector) builder.set_threshold_manager(threshold_manager) return builder.get_result()
[docs] @staticmethod def construct_face_extract_pipeline(): """ This function constructs the pipeline for face extraction. This includes building different managers with their specific parameters. These managers will be called within the pipeline when executed. Returns: - (obj): Pipeline for facial extraction. """ logger.debug("Shape Predictor path: " + SHAPE_PREDICTOR_PATH) builder = PipelineBuilder() face_detector = FaceDetector(SHAPE_PREDICTOR_PATH) builder.set_face_detector(face_detector) return builder.get_result()