Source code for hutts_verification.image_processing.context_manager

This file contains the logic used to manage the various ID contexts.
Should ideally be extended to do more than it currently does.

from hutts_verification.id_contexts.sa_id_card import SAIDCard
from hutts_verification.id_contexts.sa_id_book import SAIDBook
from hutts_verification.id_contexts.sa_id_book_old import SAIDBookOld
from hutts_verification.id_contexts.up_student_card import UPStudentCard

__author__ = "Jan-Justin van Tonder"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, Java the Hutts"
__license__ = "BSD"
__maintainer__ = "Jan-Justin van Tonder"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"

[docs]class ContextManager: """ A class responsible for managing and maintaining the various ID contexts. :_sa_id_card (SAIDCard): A South African ID card context. :_sa_id_book (SAIDBook): A South African ID book context. :_sa_id_book_old (SAIDBookOld): An old South African ID book context. :_up_card (UPStudentCard): A University of Pretoria staff/student card context. """ def __init__(self): """ Responsible for initialising the ContextManager object. """ # Create ID contexts to manage and maintain. self._sa_id_card = SAIDCard() self._sa_id_book = SAIDBook() self._sa_id_book_old = SAIDBookOld() self._up_card = UPStudentCard()
[docs] def get_id_context(self, id_type): """ Returns an ID context based on the ID type that is passed in as an arg. :param id_type (str): A string indicating a type of ID. Returns: - (IDContext): An IDContext object determined by the ID type passed in as an arg. - (None): In the event that the ID type is unrecognisable. """ # Determine which ID context to return, otherwise return None. if id_type == 'idcard': return self._sa_id_card elif id_type == 'idbook': return self._sa_id_book elif id_type == 'idbookold': return self._sa_id_book_old elif id_type == 'studentcard': return self._up_card return None