Source code for hutts_verification.utils.image_handling

Utility functions to manage image handling from given parameters.

import cv2
import numpy as np
import base64
from imutils.convenience import url_to_image
from hutts_verification.utils.hutts_logger import logger

__authors__ = "Stephan Nell, Andreas Nel"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, Java the Hutts"
__license__ = "BSD"
__maintainer__ = "Stephan Nell"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"

[docs]def grab_image(path=None, stream=None, url=None, string=None): """ This function grabs the image from URL, or image path and applies necessary changes to the grabbed images so that the image is compatible with OpenCV operation. :param str (path): The path to the image if it resides on disk. :param str (stream): A stream of text representing an image upload. :param str (url): URL representing a path to where an image should be fetched. :param str (string): A base64 encoded string of the image. Raises: - ValueError: If no path, stream, URL or Base64 string was found. Returns: - (obj): Image that is now compatible with OpenCV operations. """ # If the path is not None, then load the image from disk. Example: payload = {"image": open("id.jpg", "rb")} if path is not None: logger.debug("Grabbing from Disk") image = cv2.imread(path) if image is None: raise ValueError('Invalid Path. No image could be found.' ' Either path is incorrect or image does not exist') # otherwise, the image does not reside on disk else: # If the URL is not None, then download the image if url is not None: # Example: "" # If URL is incorrect Urllib in imutils library will catch the error. logger.debug("Downloading image from URL") return url_to_image(url) # If string is not None, then the image was transmitted with base64 encoding. elif string is not None: logger.debug("Decoding base64 string") encoded_data = string.split(',')[1] nparr = np.fromstring(base64.b64decode(encoded_data), np.uint8) image = cv2.imdecode(nparr, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) # if the stream is not None, then the image has been uploaded elif stream is not None: logger.debug("Downloading from image stream") data = image = np.asarray(bytearray(data), dtype="uint8") image = cv2.imdecode(image, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) if image is None: raise ValueError('Invalid Path. No image could be found.' ' Either path is incorrect or image does not exist') else: raise ValueError('No valid method was found to grab image.' ' Either path is incorrect or image does not exist') return image