Source code for hutts_verification.utils.pypath

Utilities to help solve Python path/directory/file issues regarding files being
installed in either the dist-packages or the site-packages folder.

from pathlib import Path
from hutts_verification.utils.hutts_logger import logger

__author__ = "Andreas Nel"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, Java the Hutts"
__license__ = "BSD"
__maintainer__ = "Andreas Nel"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"

[docs]def correct_path(path): """ This function checks if the given path exists in most known Python package installation directories and returns the corresponding path. - path (str || Path): The path that has to be checked. Returns: (str): The correct path if it exists, else None. """ search_path = Path(path) logger.debug("Looking for " + str(search_path)) result = "" try: if search_path.exists(): result = search_path elif "dist-packages" in result = _transform_path(search_path, "dist-packages", "site-packages") elif "site-packages" in result = _transform_path(search_path, "site-packages", "dist-packages") logger.debug("Result is: " + str(result)) logger.debug("Result exists: " + str(result.exists())) return str(result) if result.exists() else None except Exception: return None
def _transform_path(path, search_str, replace_str): """ This function replaces a single directory in the given path by the given string and returns the new path. :param path (str || Path): The path that has to be transformed. :param search_str (str): The directory that has to be changed. :param replace_str (str): The directory that the subdirectory has to be changed to. Returns: (Path): The new path if the replacement was successful, else the original path. """ result = Path(path) subdirectories = list( if search_str in subdirectories: subdirectories[subdirectories.index(search_str)] = replace_str result = Path(*subdirectories) return result