Source code for hutts_verification.verification.face_verify

A class that is used to extract and compare two images of faces and calculate the resulting match.

import dlib
from scipy.spatial import distance
from hutts_verification.utils.hutts_logger import logger

__author__ = "Stephan Nell"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, Java the Hutts"
__license__ = "BSD"
__maintainer__ = "Stephan Nell"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"

[docs]class FaceVerify: """ The FaceVerify class is responsible for 1. Detecting the face. 2. Generating a threshold value that determines the likeness of two individuals in an image. """ def __init__(self, shape_predictor_path, face_recognition_path): """ Initialise face verify manager. :param shape_predictor_path (str): The path to the shape predictor trained data. :param face_recognition_path (str): The path to the face recognition trained data. Raises: - TypeError: If a string value is not passed for shape_predictor_path. - TypeError: If a string value is not passed for face_recognition_path. """"Initialise FaceVerify") if not isinstance(shape_predictor_path, str): raise TypeError( 'Bad type for arg shape_predictor_path - expected string. Received type "%s".' % type(shape_predictor_path).__name__ ) if not isinstance(face_recognition_path, str): raise TypeError( 'Bad type for arg face_recognition_path - expected string. Received type "%s".' % type(face_recognition_path).__name__ ) self.shape_predictor_path = shape_predictor_path self.face_recognition_path = face_recognition_path
[docs] def verify(self, face1, face2, threshold=0.55): """ This function determines a percentage value of how close the faces in the images passed are to each other if the determined value if below the threshold value passed by the user a boolean value of True is returned indicating that the faces in the images passed indeed match. The verify function makes use of the dlib library which guarantees 99.38% accuracy on the standard Labeled Faces in the Wild benchmark. :param face1 (obj): The first image containing the face that should be compared. :param face2 (obj): The second image containing the face that should be compared. :param threshold (float): The threshold value determines at what distance the two images are considered the same. If a verify score is below the threshold value the faces are considered a match. The Labled Faces in the Wild benchmark recommend a default threshold of 0.6 but a threshold of 0.55 was decided on to ensure higher confidence in results. Returns: - (boolean): Represents if two face indeed match. - (float): The Euclidean distance between the vector representations of the two faces. Raises: - ValueError: If no face can be detected then no faces can be matched and the operation should be aborted. """ logger.debug('Getting frontal face detector') detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector() logger.debug('Getting shape predictor') shape_predictor = dlib.shape_predictor(self.shape_predictor_path) logger.debug('Getting facial recogniser') facial_recogniser = dlib.face_recognition_model_v1(self.face_recognition_path)'Getting face in first image') face_detections = detector(face1, 1) if len(face_detections) == 0: logger.error('Could not find a face in the first image') raise ValueError('Face could not be detected') logger.debug('Getting the shape') shape = shape_predictor(face1, face_detections[0]) logger.debug('Getting the first face descriptor') face_descriptor1 = facial_recogniser.compute_face_descriptor(face1, shape)'Getting face in second image') face_detections = detector(face2, 1) if len(face_detections) == 0: logger.error('Could not find a face in the first image') raise ValueError('Face could not be detected') logger.debug('Getting the shape') shape = shape_predictor(face2, face_detections[0]) logger.debug('Getting the second face descriptor') face_descriptor2 = facial_recogniser.compute_face_descriptor(face2, shape)'Calculating the euclidean distance between the two faces') match_distance = distance.euclidean(face_descriptor1, face_descriptor2)'Matching distance: ' + str(match_distance)) # Any distance below our threshold of 0.55 is a very good match. # We map 0.55 to 85% and 0 to 100%. if match_distance < threshold: match_distance = 1 - match_distance threshold = 1 - threshold + 0.05 percentage_match = ((match_distance-threshold)*15/50)*100 + 85'Matching percentage: ' + str(percentage_match) + "%") return True, percentage_match elif match_distance < threshold + 0.05: # In this if we map (0.55-0.60] we map 0.549 to 70% match match_distance = 1 - match_distance threshold = 1 - threshold + 0.05 percentage_match = ((match_distance-threshold)*30/55)*100 + 70'Matching percentage: ' + str(percentage_match) + "%") return True, percentage_match else: # If the distance is higher than 0.65 we map it to 60% and below percentage_match = 60 - ((match_distance-threshold)*60/40)*100'Matching percentage: ' + str(percentage_match) + "%") return False, percentage_match