Source code for image_preprocessing.pipeline

This is an object that handles the entire process of extracting data from an image
from a high-level perspective.

import cv2
import os
from hutts_utils.hutts_logger import logger

__authors__ = "Nicolai van Niekerk, Stephan Nell"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, Java the Hutts"
__license__ = "BSD"
__maintainer__ = "Nicolai van Niekerk"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"

DESKTOP = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~')), 'Desktop')

[docs]class Pipeline: """ The Pipeline will perform all necessary processing on the image and is built by the PipelineBuilder. Attributes: blur_manager (:BlurManager): The BlurManager that is used in this pipeline. color_manager (:ColorManager): The ColorManager that is used in this pipeline. face_detector (:FaceDetector): The FaceDetector that is used in this pipeline. threshold_manager (:ThresholdManager): The ThresholdManager that is used in this pipeline. """ def __init__(self, blur_manager=None, color_manager=None, face_detector=None, threshold_manager=None): """ Initialize Pipeline with parameters passed from the Builder. Args: blur_manager (:BlurManager): The BlurManager. color_manager (:ColorManager): The ColorManager. face_detector (:FaceDetector): The FaceDetector. threshold_manager (:ThresholdManager): The ThresholdManager. """ self.blur_manager = blur_manager self.color_manager = color_manager self.face_detector = face_detector self.threshold_manager = threshold_manager
[docs] def process_text_extraction(self, useIO, image, remove_face=False): """ This function applies all the processing needed to extract text from a image. Args: useIO (boolean): Whether or not to write images to disk image (:obj:'OpenCV image'): Image to which processing should be applied to. remove_face :boolean: If the remove face flag is set to true extra processes will be activated during the pre-processing phase to remove the face from the image. Returns: image: The processed image. """ # Remove face from image."Removing face: " + str(remove_face)) if remove_face:"REMOVING FACE...") image = self.face_detector.blur_face(image) if useIO: cv2.imwrite(DESKTOP + "/output/4.png", image) # Blur image."Blurring image...") blur_image = self.blur_manager.apply(image) if useIO: cv2.imwrite(DESKTOP + "/output/5.png", blur_image) # Apply channel image_processing, tophat, blackhat or histogram equalization."Removing color channel...") color_image = self.color_manager.apply(blur_image) if useIO: cv2.imwrite(DESKTOP + "/output/6.png", color_image) # Convert image to grayscale."Converting image to grayscale...") gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(color_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) if useIO: cv2.imwrite(DESKTOP + "/output/7.png", gray_image) # Apply thresholding."Applying thresholding...") thresholded_image = self.threshold_manager.apply(gray_image) if useIO: cv2.imwrite(DESKTOP + "/output/8.png", thresholded_image) return thresholded_image
[docs] def process_face_extraction(self, image): """ This function applies all the processing needed to extract a face from a image. Args: image (:obj:'OpenCV image'): Image to which processing should be applied to. Returns: image (:obj:'OpenCV image'): The processed image. """"Extracting face from image") extracted_face = self.face_detector.extract_face(image) return extracted_face