Source code for image_preprocessing.pipeline_builder

The class that is responsible for creating a Pipeline. This class is the Builder
of the Builder design pattern.

from image_preprocessing.pipeline import Pipeline

__author__ = "Nicolai van Niekerk"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, Java the Hutts"
__license__ = "BSD"
__maintainer__ = "Nicolai van Niekerk"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"

[docs]class PipelineBuilder: """ The PipelineBuilder will assemble all the parts of the Pipeline """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize Builder """ self.pipeline = Pipeline()
[docs] def set_blur_manager(self, value): """ This function adds the specified blur manager to the pipeline Args: value (:BlurManager): BlurManager object to be added Returns: None """ self.pipeline.blur_manager = value
[docs] def set_color_manager(self, value): """ This function adds the specified color manager to the pipeline Args: value (:ColorManager): ColorManager object to be added Returns: None """ self.pipeline.color_manager = value
[docs] def set_threshold_manager(self, value): """ This function adds the specified threshold manager to the pipeline Args: value (:ThresholdManager): ThresholdManager object to be added Returns: None """ self.pipeline.threshold_manager = value
[docs] def set_face_detector(self, value): """ This function adds the specified face detector to the pipeline Args: value (:FaceDetector): FaceDetector object to be added Returns: None """ self.pipeline.face_detector = value
[docs] def get_result(self): """ This function returns the fully-assembled pipeline Returns: :Pipeline (Assembled pipeline) """ return self.pipeline