Source code for image_processing.controllers

Handles all requests relevant to the extraction service of the API.
import base64
import cv2
from image_processing.sample_extract import TextExtractor
from flask import Blueprint, jsonify, request, make_response
from hutts_utils.image_handling import grab_image
from image_processing.sample_extract import FaceExtractor
from hutts_utils.hutts_logger import logger

__authors__ = "Nicolai van Niekerk, Stephan Nell"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, Java the Hutts"
__license__ = "BSD"
__maintainer__ = "Nicolai van Niekerk"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"

extract = Blueprint('extract', __name__)

[docs]@extract.route('/extractText', methods=['POST']) def extract_text(): """ Sample function to extract text from image received. URL: http://localhost:5000/extractText """ # Initialize the data dictionary to be returned by the request. data = {"success": False} # Check to see if this is a post request. if request.method == "POST": # Check to see if an image was uploaded. if request.files.get("idPhoto", None) is not None: # Grab the uploaded image. image = grab_image(stream=request.files["idPhoto"]) # Otherwise, assume that a URL was passed in. else: # Grab the URL from the request. url = request.args.get("url", None) # If the URL is None, then return an error. if url is None: data["error"] = "No URL provided." return jsonify(data) # Load the image and convert. image = grab_image(url=url) # Grab additional parameters specifying techniques preferences = {} if 'blur_technique' in request.form: preferences['blur_method'] = request.form['blur_technique'] if 'threshold_technique' in request.form: preferences['threshold_method'] = request.form['threshold_technique'] if 'remove_face' in request.form: preferences['remove_face'] = request.form['remove_face'] if 'remove_barcode' in request.form: preferences['remove_barcode'] = request.form['remove_barcode'] if 'color' in request.form: preferences['color'] = request.form['color'] if 'id_type' in request.form: preferences['id_type'] = request.form['id_type'] if 'useIO' in request.form: preferences['useIO'] = request.form['useIO'] == 'true' else: preferences['useIO'] = False # Extract text from image extractor = TextExtractor(preferences) result = extractor.extract(image) return jsonify(result)
[docs]@extract.route('/extractFace', methods=['POST']) def extract_face(): """ Sample function to extract face from image received URL: http://localhost:5000/extractFace """ # initialize the data dictionary to be returned by the request data = {"success": False} # check to see if this is a post request if request.method == "POST": # check to see if an image was uploaded if request.files.get("idPhoto", None) is not None: # grab the uploaded image image = grab_image(stream=request.files["idPhoto"]) # otherwise, assume that a URL was passed in else: # grab the URL from the request url = request.args.get("url", None) # if the URL is None, then return an error if url is None: data["error"] = "No URL provided." return jsonify(data) # load the image and convert image = grab_image(url=url) # Add preferences preferences = {} if 'useIO' in request.form: preferences['useIO'] = request.form['useIO'] == 'true' # Call open CV commands here with the extracted image response = face_extraction_response(preferences['useIO'], image) return response
[docs]@extract.route('/extractAll', methods=['POST']) def extract_all(): """ Sample function to extract face and text from image received URL: http://localhost:5000/extractAll """ # initialize the data dictionary to be returned by the request data = {"success": False} # check to see if this is a post request if request.method == "POST": # check to see if an image was uploaded if request.files.get("idPhoto", None) is not None: # grab the uploaded image image = grab_image(stream=request.files["idPhoto"]) # otherwise, assume that a URL was passed in else: # grab the URL from the request url = request.args.get("url", None) # if the URL is None, then return an error if url is None: data["error"] = "No URL provided." return jsonify(data) # load the image and convert image = grab_image(url=url) # Call open CV commands here with the extracted image # Grab additional parameters specifying techniques preferences = {} if 'blur_technique' in request.form: preferences['blur_method'] = request.form['blur_technique'] if 'threshold_technique' in request.form: preferences['threshold_method'] = request.form['threshold_technique'] if 'remove_face' in request.form: preferences['remove_face'] = request.form['remove_face'] if 'remove_barcode' in request.form: preferences['remove_barcode'] = request.form['remove_barcode'] if 'color' in request.form: preferences['color'] = request.form['color'] if 'id_type' in request.form: preferences['id_type'] = request.form['id_type'] if 'useIO' in request.form: preferences['useIO'] = request.form['useIO'] == 'true' else: preferences['useIO'] = False # Extract test from image extractor = TextExtractor(preferences) result = extractor.extract(image) response = face_extraction_response(preferences['useIO'], image, result) return response
[docs]def face_extraction_response(use_io, image, text_extract_result=None): """ This function converts the extracted cv2 image and converts it to a jpg image. Furthermore, the jpg image is converted to Base64 jpg type and returned. If text extraction results are provided the response will contain the data of text extraction result as well. Args: use_io (boolean): Whether or not images should be written to disk image: The cv2 (numpy) image that should be converted to jpg text_extract_result (dict) the extracted text results Returns: (:obj:'Response'): The response object that contains the information for HTTP transmission """ extractor = FaceExtractor() result = extractor.extract(image, use_io) _, buffer = cv2.imencode('.jpg', result) # replace base64 indicator for the first occurrence and apply apply base64 jpg encoding"Converting to Base64") jpg_img = ('data:image/jpg;base64' + str(base64.b64encode(buffer)).replace("b", ",", 1)).replace("'", "") temp_dict = {"extracted_face": jpg_img} if text_extract_result: temp_dict["text_extract_result"] = text_extract_result data = jsonify(temp_dict) # prepare response"Preparing Response") response = make_response(data) response.mimetype = 'multipart/form-data' response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate' response.headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache' return response