Source code for image_processing.sample_extract

This class wraps all the functionality required to extract text from an image.

import os
import cv2
import pytesseract
from PIL import Image
from image_preprocessing.build_director import BuildDirector
from image_processing.text_cleaner import TextCleaner
from image_processing.simplification_manager import SimplificationManager
from image_processing.barcode_manager import BarCodeManager
from image_preprocessing.template_matching import TemplateMatching
from image_processing.context_manager import ContextManager
from hutts_utils.hutts_logger import logger, prettify_json_message

__author__ = "Nicolai van Niekerk"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, Java the Hutts"
__license__ = "BSD"
__maintainer__ = "Nicolai van Niekerk"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"

DESKTOP = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~')), 'Desktop')

[docs]class TextExtractor: """ The TextExtractor extracts text from the ID image. """ def __init__(self, preferences): """ Initialise Text Extractor. Args: preferences (dict): User-specified CV techniques. Returns: None """ self.preferences = preferences self.remove_face = 'false' self._context_manager = ContextManager() self._text_cleaner = TextCleaner()
[docs] def extract(self, img): """ This function is a sample that demonstrates how text would be extracted Args: img: The image of the ID that contains the text to be extracted Returns: id_details (obj): The extracted information """ if 'remove_face' in self.preferences: self.remove_face = self.preferences['remove_face'] == 'true' logger.debug('self.remove_face: ' + str(self.remove_face)) simplification_manager = SimplificationManager() barcode_manager = BarCodeManager() data = {} # Perform perspective transformation and read from barcode.'Performing perspective transformation...') image = simplification_manager.perspectiveTransformation(img, self.preferences['useIO']) if self.preferences['useIO']: cv2.imwrite(DESKTOP + "/output/3.png", image) barcode_data_found, barcode_scan_data, barcoded_image = barcode_manager.get_barcode_info(image) if barcode_data_found:'Barcode successfully scanned') data = { 'identity_number': barcode_scan_data.decode('utf-8'), } # Process image if 'id_type' in self.preferences: identification_type = self.preferences['id_type']"No template matching required")"Identification type: " + identification_type) else: template_match = TemplateMatching()'Performing template matching...') identification_type = template_match.identify(barcoded_image)'Constructing text extraction pipeline') pipeline = BuildDirector.construct_text_extract_pipeline(self.preferences, identification_type) image = pipeline.process_text_extraction(self.preferences['useIO'], barcoded_image, self.remove_face) # Extract and return text filename = "{}.png".format(os.getpid()) cv2.imwrite(filename, image) text = pytesseract.image_to_string( os.remove(filename) # Log the uncleaned string to terminal. # This is for demonstration purposes. logger.debug('-' * 50) logger.debug('String to clean:') logger.debug('-' * 50) [logger.debug(log_line) for log_line in text.split('\n')] logger.debug('-' * 50)'Cleaning up text...') # Clean the OCR output text. clean_text = self._text_cleaner.clean_up(text) # Log the cleaned string to terminal. # This is for demonstration purposes. logger.debug('-' * 50) logger.debug('Cleaned text:') logger.debug('-' * 50) [logger.debug(log_line) for log_line in clean_text.split('\n')] logger.debug('-' * 50) # Get ID information from cleaned text.'Placing extracted text in a dictionary...') id_context = self._context_manager.get_id_context(identification_type) id_details = id_context.get_id_info(clean_text, barcode_data=data) # Log the retrieved ID information extracted text to terminal. # This is for demonstration purposes. logger.debug('-' * 50) logger.debug('Extracted ID details:') logger.debug('-' * 50) [logger.debug(id_details_line) for id_details_line in prettify_json_message(id_details).split('\n')] logger.debug('-' * 50) # Return the extracted ID information. return id_details
[docs]class FaceExtractor: """ The FaceExtractor extracts the face region for the image passed. """
[docs] def extract(self, img, use_io): """ This function is a sample that demonstrates how the face would be extracted. Args: img: The image of the ID that contains the face that must be extracted. use_io (boolean): Whether or not images should be written to disk Returns: image: The extracted and aligned facial image. """ simplification_manager = SimplificationManager() # Perform perspective transformation'Performing perspective transformation...') perspective_image = simplification_manager.perspectiveTransformation(img, use_io) if use_io: cv2.imwrite(DESKTOP + "/output/10.png", perspective_image) # Process image'Constructing facial extraction pipeline...') pipeline = BuildDirector.construct_face_extract_pipeline() image = pipeline.process_face_extraction(perspective_image) return image